Thursday, September 11, 2014

TIAM: Planning in the middle

So I didn't get my goal today (probably overdid it yesterday) but I did get all my B tiles done which for some reason are the hardest for me, so I'm going to count it as a win.  I also did a little more planning.

When I start these things I usually don't have all the specifics worked out.  I start with a loose plan; a theme, some ideas on how I'm going to pull it off, and a small list of things I know I absolutely want to have.  It isn't until I've got a good start on things that I start really detailed plans.  It's still pretty loose, I don't know how many tiles some things will take until after I've made them and there's always more on my list of things to make then actually gets made.  The most important thing isn't the overall path though, it's making sure I know what I'm doing next so when I sit down to draw I'm not just staring at the screen.

Unfortunately, this set is giving me some troubles.  It's not the B tiles, it's all the A tiles.  Halloween is really more about the decorations and details than it is the walls and ground.  I'm going to run out of ideas pretty quickly.  If anyone has suggestions or ideas, I would be really happy to get them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

TIAM: Catching up with some overtime

I did awesome today!  Not only did I manage to meet my quota, I exceeded it by a whole lot!  Only because of palette swap items, but that still counts.  I don't think I can really do that again simply because I spent nearly all day on it and that just isn't sustainable.

Here's a screenshot to show a little of what I've made so far.

I like to choose a subject to focus on for the day.  The first two days were all about gardening, so I only allowed myself to do plants and dirt.  Today was architecture, so I did things like windows, doors, roofs, floors, stairs and so on.  Tomorrow will probably be interiors, so there will be lots of furniture.  Choosing a subject helps me not get distracted by all the little things that might be interesting to make, it helps me know what I'm doing next, and it helps me figure out what might be missing and be sure to include it.  I don't usually finish everything I intend to do for the subject in that day, so towards the end of things I'm doing a bit of everything, trying to fill in all the gaps.  Still it's a nice way to start out.

And now, I'm going to allow myself to rest.